OPINION | Call & Comment published Nov. 25, 2018


Thanks to all who voted!  Shame on Jason Ard and others for making the TV commercials for the tax proposition. They were deceptive, misleading, lots of smoke and mirrors. I was surprised when I read the actual proposition. If the sheriff wanted funds to provide protection for our children, he should have hawked a different proposal, possibly the following: (1) A dedicated tax -- only for measures needed to protect our campuses; (2)  A time limit on tax. If not used widely or not needed, we the people could choose not to renew. In our digital world, what will our schools look like in 50 years? Will our schools even have a physical site? The sheriff is the most powerful elected official in our parish. This proposal made me wonder if our sheriff has our best interest at heart.


Attended the French Settlement town hall meeting November 14th. Watched as a grown man was forced to raise his hand for more than 2 minutes and ultimately had to speak up to make the mayor acknowledge him for public comment in a small 20 or less people room. Once the comment was made the mayor and her asst police chief/emergency management coordinator immediately went on the defense. They did this over such simple topics as potholes. Once they did address him they gave him uneducated answers and lies. This is a sad display of our local Government.

opinion, call & comment, livingston parish news, mayor, politics, police, jason ard, police chief, sheriff, comment, coordinator, proposal, management