OPINION | Edtorial: Interstate 12's risks not going away soon


If ever there was a time to push for more crossings across the Amite River, the time is now.        
Why? Because entirely too many travelers and commuters are being funneled along the Interstate 12 corridor between Baton Rouge and Interstate 55, and recent major accident numbers paint the picture.
Just last week, three major accidents occurred along the stretch – two of which included fatalities.
That’s too many.
Fender-benders and minor accidents are going to occur. Drivers are only human and mistakes happen but shoving as many vehicles as the area can on that stretch only increases the chances for catastrophic accidents.
Livingston Parish – specifically Denham, Walker, and Watson – are doing their job in attracting new people with good schools, good law enforcement, and affordable housing. These migrations, however, continue to pile people on the one artery that bisects the parish and makes for easy travel home for people living in Walker and beyond.
At one time, a direct route to Watson had been proposed as well as a new bridge south of I-12, crossing over at Harrell’s Ferry near La. 16 and 4-H Club Road.
Perhaps it’s time to resurrect the projects?
Of course, money is an issue, it is and always will be. Can we chase federal funds? Maybe just one of these projects for now?
In the end, this is just three accidents in the span of a week. How about a few weeks ago, when three separate accidents occurred over a weekend between Holden and Livingston?
The parish is going to continue to grow and, until money can be found at the state and federal level, the I-12 corridor is only going to get more and more dangerous.

livingston parish, interstate highway system, interstate 12, i-12, traffic, accidets, deaths, livingston parish news, safety